Allergens 101

Cat Dander Allergy

Felis domesticus

Cat allergies, which are caused by proteins in their saliva, urine, and dead skin, are on the rise worldwide. Although hypoallergenic cats are highly marketed, they do not actually exist! Further, 26% of patient clinic visits related to inhalant allergens was because of cat sensitization.

Common Cat Dander Allergy Symptoms

  • Hay fever

  • Eye allergies

  • Asthma

Are cat allergies the same around the world?

The prevalence of cat allergies varies in different parts of the world but is rising overall.

Allergies to dogs and cats affect 10% to 20% of the global population!


Recommended solutions

The highest levels of pet allergens are found in the living room and bedroom. Carpets and upholstery, in particular, are major reservoirs for these allergens. Symptoms can be prevented or reduced through the below steps. If you would like to prevent your allergies from progressing or are looking for long-term relief, talk to your doctor about allergy immunotherapy or find out if you are eligible for NectarRx Allergy Treatment.

  • Keep the cat out of the bedroom

  • Wrap bedding in allergen-proof covers

  • Change clothes after exposure

  • Regularly bathe the cat

  • Use Benadryl, Claritin, or Zyrtec as needed

  • Treat with allergen immunotherapy