Picture of Nectar's new Allergy Relief Nasal Spray
Picture of Nectar's new Allergy Relief Nasal Spray

Allergy Nasal Spray 101

5 min read



Nasal sprays are commonly used to provide allergy relief across the board, including sneezing, itching, congestion, post-nasal drip, and inflammation.

Most nasal sprays target one to two symptoms at a time and are used in combination with other allergy medications to provide allergy relief. We review every main category of nasal spray and the ingredients used in most name brands and generic alternatives.

Allergy Relief Spray provides immediate relief from all your allergy symptoms and comes with a free at-home allergy test.

Corticosteroid Nasal Sprays:

Active Ingredients: Fluticasone, Budesonide, Mometasone, or Triamcinolone

Corticosteroid nasal sprays work by reducing inflammation in the nasal passages, making them effective for managing symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis such as nasal congestion. By targeting the inflammatory response, these sprays help alleviate symptoms like congestion, post-nasal drip, nasal itching, and sneezing.

Effectiveness: Corticosteroid nasal sprays are considered highly effective for long-term management of chronic nasal conditions. They may take up to 4-6 weeks to show maximum efficacy, but their consistent use can provide significant relief without the risk of systemic side effects.

Antihistamine Nasal Sprays:

Active Ingredients: Azelastine, Olopatadine

Antihistamine nasal sprays block histamine, a chemical released during an allergic response, thereby reducing symptoms like sneezing, itching, and a runny nose. They are useful for managing seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis. They have also been shown to be effective in chronic nonallergic rhinitis.
Effectiveness: Antihistamine nasal sprays offer rapid relief from allergic symptoms and are very effective. They work well for individuals who prefer nasal administration over oral antihistamines and reduce the risk of systemic side effects as they target symptoms directly at the site of the issue.

Antimuscarinic Nasal Sprays:

Active Ingredients: Ipratropium

Antimuscarinic nasal sprays work by inhibiting the activity of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in the stimulation of nasal glands. They are primarily used for managing rhinorrhea (excessive nasal discharge/post-nasal drip) associated with allergic and non-allergic rhinitis.

Effectiveness: While antimuscarinic nasal sprays may not be as commonly prescribed as other types, they can be effective in reducing nasal secretions. However, their use is typically limited to specific cases where rhinorrhea is the predominant symptom.

Decongestant Nasal Sprays:

Active Ingredients: Oxymetazoline, Phenylephrine

Decongestant nasal sprays constrict blood vessels in the nasal passages, leading to reduced swelling and congestion. They are commonly used for short-term relief of nasal congestion associated with colds and allergies.

Effectiveness: Decongestant nasal sprays provide quick relief from nasal congestion, but prolonged use can lead to rebound congestion. Combining them with nasal corticosteroids and using lower strengths can prevent this risk. It's crucial to use them under the guidance of a healthcare professional to avoid complications.

Combination Nasal Sprays:

Active Ingredients: Combinations of corticosteroids, antihistamines, and/or decongestants

Combination nasal sprays aim to provide comprehensive relief by incorporating multiple active ingredients targeting different aspects of nasal symptoms. For example, a combination spray may include both a corticosteroid and an antihistamine to address both inflammation and allergic responses.

Effectiveness: Combination nasal sprays can be highly effective in managing a broader range of nasal symptoms. They offer the benefits of different medications in a single formulation, making them convenient for individuals with multiple symptoms.

Nectar Allergy Relief Spray: All-In-One Combination Nasal Spray

Active Ingredients: Custom combinations of corticosteroids (Triamcinolone), antihistamines (Olopatadine), anticholinergic (Ipratropium), and/or decongestants (Oxymetazoline)

Allergy Relief Spray is 100% customized for each patient using up to four different over-the-counter and prescription ingredients. It provides immediate relief from your specific allergy symptoms in one, convenient solution.

Effectiveness: We are confident you will experience immediate relief from your allergy symptoms. If you don't see improvement, let us know, and we will reformulate until we get it right.

How do different nasal sprays compare price-wise?

Corticosteroid: $20 avg
  • Fluticasone (Flonase®): ~$15
  • Mometasone (Nasonex®): ~$19-$30
  • Triamcinolone (Nasacort®): ~$23
Antihistamine: $50 avg
  • Azelastine (Astepro®): ~$30
  • Olopatadine (Patanase®): $30-$60
Decongestant: $10 avg
  • Oxymetazoline (Afrin®): ~$10
Antimuscarinic: $20 avg

Ipratropium 0.03% (Atrovent): ~$20

Combination 2-in-1 Nasal Spray
  • Fluticasone/Azelastine (Dymista®): ~$50
  • Olopatadine/Mometasone (Ryaltris®): ~$60
Nectar Allergy Relief Spray (Up to 4-in-1)
  • $49/month
  • First shipment includes free at-home allergy test kit ($99 value)

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